There’s a time to use Skype for Business, and there’s a time for You probably know the difference. Skype for Business works just fine when quickly chatting colleagues or jumping on team standups with the same three coworkers.  But what about your all-important meetings with clients, customers, and prospects? Do you really want to send them through a Web App download just to see your screen? You worked hard to get that meeting, now’s the time to put your best foot forward.

If you have Skype for Business but they don’t…

Then you already know Skype for Business is hard to use. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes for a second. Is it easy for them to get connected? Do they need to download anything, do they need to jump through hoops? If the answer is yes, then use for the meeting. Customers just need to one-click to see what you’re sharing. Believe me, you won’t miss the small talk while you’re trying to get the meeting started. In fact, you’ll save 22% meeting time, and we all know time is money.


Your own digits, for free.

There’s nothing more awkward than playing phone tag with a stranger, especially when that stranger is someone important to your bottom line. When you have a call scheduled with a customer, provide a devoted conference line for the best possible customer experience. Give your attendees options so they can call in from anywhere. Unlike Skype for Business - has free, unlimited dial-in conference calls and dedicated lines all over the globe. No surprise audio bills and no frustrating PSTN implementations. and Skype for Business work better together. Learn how you can call out of Skype for Business into a conference with just one click!

Choose screen sharing excellence.

When there’s money on the line, you don’t want something to go wrong. was built from the beginning to prioritize and excel at screen-sharing. Speed and quality are our thing. Don’t settle for second best when you don’t have to. It would be like choosing to fumble at the 1 yard line. Just doesn’t make sense. Not with deals on the line.


Your meeting, your brand.

First impressions count. You’ve come this far, so don’t botch it now. Extend your professional personality across all your interactions inside and outside your organization. Personalize your meeting background and URL for a professional, branded meeting experience.


Straight from the horse's mouth...

"We should have made the investment early on. Instead, we learned some hard lessons trying to use some other platforms first. Since deciding to change, everyone has been embracing fully, and is pretty psyched about it.”

Dustin Ruoff,
Director of Infrastructure and Support
GYK Antler

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