Talk in circles, not squares. offers the simplest, easiest and most, um, well-rounded way to meet face-to-face from anywhere. Easy to start and easy to join from your desktop or iOS 9 device, you'll notice something different right away: video bubbles. Move them around, bounce ‘em off each other – our bubbles make video conferencing a lot more enjoyable.


When we say instant video, we mean this instant. is all about breaking down the barriers to communication. So we've eliminated the need for attendees to sign up to meet with you face-to-face, and we’ve made video conferencing available on iOS 9 mobile devices. Google Chrome users can even join a video call without any downloads. Your colleagues, customers, and friends alike join the video call instantly. 100% hassle-free.


No camera? Then listen up. lets you and your colleagues connect with our dedicated dial-in numbers, through the computer (VoIP), or with the video calling feature, so everyone can join the conversation. Even the camera-shy and those with old computers. Like your parents, for instance.

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