Better Meeting Audio
We believe in more than just audio – we believe in audio awesome. We will walk you through some helpful tips for optimizing the audio in your meeting. How to get better meeting audio:
Visit website. At we believe in more than just audio conferencing – we believe in audio awesome!
Once logged in, select ‘Meeting Settings’. You’ll see your account information, and your conference options. The first is conference mode.
Choose which type of meeting you want to have. You can pick video, audio, or a meeting where only the organizer can talk.
Select what starts the call. You can elect to have the call start whenever anyone joins the meeting, or only when the organizer joins.
Decide which hold music you want. You can choose the sound you’d like your attendees to hear before the call begins. We recommend funk.
Click “Play a Sound”. This will notify you with a sound when someone joins or leaves your meeting.