With the join.me Admin Console, you can manage your users and their subscriptions in one easy place. First, log in to your account at www.join.me and click on the users tab. This is your Admin Console! You’ll see your name and account information listed. You’ll also see any users who you have invited or purchased a join.me account for. From the Admin Console, you can buy additional PRO subscriptions to give to your team by clicking the “Buy more” button or by contacting a join.me Sales Rep. Be sure to buy enough for your whole team! Once you’ve bought your subscriptions, you’ll see that the subscription counter at the top of the page has changed, so you can keep track of how many licenses you have left to assign. To invite users to the Admin Console, you can click the “Add users” button. If you are a BUSINESS Admin, you will see that you have the ability to add multiple users. Download the .CSV template, fill it out and upload it to the Admin Console. As a PRO admin, you can invite users individually. Just fill in their information. When you click “Send invite”, they’ll receive an e-mail that you have purchased a join.me account for them. They will need to follow the e-mail instructions to get set up. Once you’ve invited users, you’ll see their names pop up on your member list. You’ll see their subscription status change, as they accept their invitation. Subscriptions are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. So be sure to buy enough subscriptions for the people you invite. Otherwise, they will automatically be given a free subscription.