
Congratulations on purchasing join.me BUSINESS, the online meeting app that combines the instant and intuitive collaboration employees want with the robust management capabilities you need to stay in control. This guide will help you seamlessly roll out join.me in 3 easy steps, and get employees up and running, fast.

1: Add users. There are a few ways you can add users to your join.me BUSINESS account:

Add individual users. Login to join.me and click on the users tab. Click Add Users. Click create new user. Enter a name and email.

Import multiple users. Click add users. Prepare and upload CSV file using the CSV template. 

2: Create feature sets. Define what users can do with join.me and which features they have access to. Go to join.me/admin. Click on Admin Settings. Click new feature set. Customize set including options for feature usage, audio settings, and personal background. Name the feature set and save it.

3: Apply feature set to users. Click on users. Select All of specific set users. Click Change feature set and confirm. 

Want to brand your team's join.me experience? Personalize your company's meeting experience by pre-defining a personal link or background for the group. To update your team's personal links, edit the personal link template in admin settings.

SSO. join.me integrates with a number of single sign on (SSO) providers which makes using join.me even easier. Once set up, your users can log into join.me with a user name and password that they are familiar with.

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